It is also revealed that despite begging for forgiveness, the counsellor insisted on his son beating up Kaali, and so, Maari beats up the counsellor and his henchmen. He had been leaking info about his men so that he may come out clear to become an MLA candidate. Also, Beeja has been in ties with the commissioner and was the mole himself.

It is then revealed that there was not any mole and that the whole story was fabricated to identify the corrupt policemen in the department, including the commissioner. Using his moles in the police department, Beeja tries to figure out who the mole is but fails.

Meanwhile, the city police commissioner mentions to the media that there is an informer within Beeja's gang. The area member of the council, one of the boys' father, calls Kaali to hit him, but Maari goes and begs for forgiveness. In retribution, the boys chase him and try to teach him a lesson, only to get beaten black and blue by Kaali. When Kaali sees some students in the older grade teasing a teacher, he complains to the principal. Maari then requests Vijaya to stop coming after him (as a request) and says that he changed his ways. Kaali is shown to have inherited his father's behaviour and keeps picking fights in school. Maari then raises the boy, called Kaali with help from the old couple and Sani. However, due to complications by the paralysis, Aanandi dies minutes after childbirth. Aanandi got pregnant, and a healthy baby boy was born. Maari then reveals that he was living in Tenkasi with an elderly couple. Maari sees this and meets Vijaya, requesting her to remove the photos. Vijaya, now the Deputy-Home secretary, in an effort to find Maari, posts his picture along with Aanandi's on newspapers. Eight years pass, Beeja and Kalai have grown to become rich dons, but when Kalai has a clear chance to become the MLA candidate of the ruling party, Beeja usurps that chance by threatening Kalai and his family. Maari goes into hiding with Aanandi, whose legs are paralysed. The new collector, Vijaya Chamundeshwari IAS, comes out to restore order and stop all gang violence. Beeja then shoots Maari, but Maari is saved by Aanandi, who took the bullet for him, which ended up in her lower spinal cord, paralysing her legs for life. Maari is injured in the battle, and Beeja reveals himself as the perpetrator.

Kalai gets enraged and orders his men to kill Maari. Maari and his sidekicks set fire to all the drugs, and Beeja kills Vallavan to make it look as if Maari killed him. Vallavan is caught by Maari carrying the drugs, and when Maari confronts Kalai, a fight erupts. On confronting Aanandi, she tells him that Maari asked her to do it. Aanandi unknowingly goes to do the job and gets caught by Kalai. As per Beeja's plan, Vallavan asks Sani to send Aanandi for a job, which turns out to be drug smuggling, a job which Maari hates. Kalai's brother Vallavan is shown to be hand-in-glove with Singayya, who has formed an alliance with Beeja to overthrow Maari. While coming back, Maari gets attacked, and Aanandi takes him to the hospital and takes care of him. Maari gets his 100th murder attempt on his life by his rival Singayya, and to celebrate, Kalai, Sani, and Adithangi throw Maari a party. This is also the reason why Aanandi loves Maari. Unfortunately, his brother is killed at the hands of Maari as the former tried to molest Aanandi's elder sister. He is out for revenge, as his brother, who was a defence lawyer, promised to get Beeja released from jail. In a parallel storyline, Gangadhar Beeja(calling himself as Tanatos-God of Death) is shown to have escaped from jail, after killing two police officers, with the cell walls scrawled with the words "Kill Maari". However, try as she might, Maari does not give her a second glance and constantly shows his annoyance to her.
#Mari 2 telugu movie online driver
Maari is chased around by Araathu Aanandi, a auto rickshaw driver who is head over heels in love with him.
#Mari 2 telugu movie online watch online